Fourth Global International Studies Conference
Aug 6, 2014
University of Frankfurt
Frankfurt, Germany
The overarching theme of the conference is "Justice, Peace and Stability: Risks and Opportunities for Governance and Development“. Some relevant sessions are organized by Tobias Ide and Jürgen Scheffran on “Climate Change, Cooperation and Conflict” and on “Climate Change, Migration and Conflict”. Presentations by Giovanna Gioli and Jürgen Scheffran on “Remittances and Community Resilience to Conflict and Environmental Hazards in North-western Pakistan”, by Christiane Fröhlich on “On the Relationship Between Environmental Change, Environmental Migration and Revolutionary Movements in Syria and Jordan”, by Tobias Ide on “Towards a Discursive Understanding of Socio-Environmental Conflicts”, and by Janpeter Schilling on “Climate Change, Adaptation and Conflict in northwestern Kenya and southern Nepal”.
Our goal is to provide an interaction space in which International Relations research expertise can be shared on an international level and thus contribute to the expansion of a truly global professional network. For this purpose, IR scholars from around the world will meet in Frankfurt and present their research to a broad audience made up of scholars and experts in all fields of international studies. The overarching theme of the conference is „Justice, Peace and Stability: Risks and Opportunities for Governance and Development“. In addition to classical issues in diplomacy, security and development studies, panels and roundtables will pay special attention to novel issues in global politics, including emerging actors in international relations and new forms of south-south cooperation. - See more at: goal of the conference is to provide an interaction space in which International Relations research expertise can be shared on an international level and thus contribute to the expansion of a truly global professional network. For this purpose, IR scholars from around the world will meet in Frankfurt and present their research to a broad audience made up of scholars and experts in all fields of international studies. In addition to classical issues in diplomacy, security and development studies, panels and roundtables will pay special attention to novel issues in global politics, including emerging actors in international relations and new forms of south-south cooperation.