The Fourth International Africa Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference

Jul 25, 2014 | ACCORD
Johannesburg, South Africa

This 4th international summit, following earlier meetings in 1998 and 2011 in Accra, and 2008 in Addis Ababa, will attempt to fill the void by identifying the best practices or lessons of current programmes, projects and initiatives and promote exchanges on key gains, progress made and common challenges; it will also create opportunities for continent-wide regional/international networking in peacebuilding practice and research. Identifying and addressing current voids or gaps will provide opportunity for self-assessment, refl ection and innovation among advocates, practitioners and scholars, donors and policymakers, and contribute to the sustainability of emergent popularity and promise of peace studies and various confl ict resolution projects in Africa.

Areas of interest include: 

- Building a culture of peace and its sustainability –including national architectures for peace, the role of peace councils and civil society and non-governmental organisations
- Crisis response and national security concerns –including the role of the Red Cross/Crescent organisations, disaster management and other relief efforts
- Trends in the usage of ADR mechanisms
- Congregational/religious disputes – including intra-faith and inter-faith disputes
- Security interventions and armed conflicts – including declaration of state of emergencies and imposition of curfews, peacekeeping operations and de-escalation, disarmament and reintegration efforts

Note that these are a few out of many other thematic areas this conference intends to cover.