Promising Practices in Gender and Extractives

Nov 12, 2019 | Resource Equity
New York City, USA
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Join Resource Equity in New York, New York on November 12th, 2019 to learn about best practices for incorporating gender into extractives projects and share your best practices with others. Join us in person or via livestream, with an opportunity to participate remotely in the afternoon.

During the morning session the Resource Equity team will share insights learned from four recent case studies in Papua New Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Uganda, and Peru. They will then lead a group discussion about how to include women in extractive investments consultations, benefit sharing, and livelihood creation. 

In the afternoon, learn more during a panel discussion with the representatives from the case study countries, who will share the CSO and community perspective. You will also hear about and discuss how CSOs can collaborate with businesses by providing the sorts of services that they need to make socially responsible investments in extractive resources and land.

Finally, the day will close with Resource Equity’s thoughts on a unifying strategy and next steps for empowering and including women in investments in extractive resources.

Who: Resource Equity

Where: New York City, USA

When: 12 November, 2019