The Peace Piece: Primers for Peace at CoP28 (A Path to The Hague Event)

Sep 21, 2023 | Geneva Peacebuilding Platform
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Climate change and environmental degradation are already increasing insecurity and conflict risks around the world. In places experiencing conflict, action to mitigate and adapt to climate change can contribute to building more resilient and more peaceful societies especially considering that staying within the 1.5°C limit is an essential condition to support peace and well-being around the world.

For the first time ever in a climate change COP, the host state has dedicated an entire day to peace in the thematic programme. To ensure that discussions on peace at COP28 are built on the existing body of work at the intersection of climate change, peace, and conflict, the Community of Practice on Environment, Climate, Conflict, and Peace--a collaborative group of more than 40 organizations and 100 individuals from different countries, sectors, and backgrounds--will hold a two-month webinar series to dig into different aspects of climate action and finance in fragile and conflict-affected communities. The series is designed to provide evidence, good practices, and showcase stories at the intersection of climate change, peace, and conflict.

Register here:

Join the Peace@COP community this fall for a series of discussion on what is possible for peace at CoP28. This biweekly series will assemble practitioners, researchers, and policy-makers from around the world to prepare for Dubai in December. Primers will be held online every other Thursday at 14h CET, starting on the International Day of Peace, 21st September.


Thursday 21 September (International Day of Peace)

14:00-15:00 CET
