Launch of the CGIAR Climate Security Observatory

May 23, 2023 - May 23, 2023 | Geneva Center for Security Policy
Geneva, Switzerland and online
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Climate is linked to conflict, acts as a multiplier and exacerbates the risk of crisis and instability. Although this is widely recognized in the science-policy landscape, there is a lack of solid, localized and policy-relevant evidence on how exactly climate security risks can arise in different geographical contexts. The Climate Security Observatory (CSO) aims to fill this gap.The CSO is an online platform for stakeholder decision-making that provides access to a range of global climate and security-related analyses. The CSO uses science on land, water and food systems to address the root causes of conflict. The aim is to reduce or avoid the risk of climate-driven insecurity by providing accessible and actionable knowledge at multiple scales. In the long term, this should contribute to the creation and maintenance of climate-resilient peace.The CSO provides answers to four guiding questions to achieve its goal:

  • How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict?
  • Where are the most vulnerable areas to climate-related insecurities and risks?
  • Who are the groups vulnerable to climate and security risks that should be targeted?
  • What needs to be done to break the vicious cycle between climate and conflict?
 Opening Remarks Ambassador Thomas Greminger, Head of Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)Dr Adam Day, Head of the Geneva Office, United Nations University Centre for Policy ResearchDr Claudia Sadoff, Executive Managing Director, CGIAR  Keynote Speaker Ambassador Gamal Hassan, Head of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Centre for Climate Adaptation and Environmental Protection (CAEP)  Presentation of the CGIAR Climate Security Observatory Dr Theresa Liebig, Associate Scientist and CSO Lead, CGIAR  Facilitated audience discussion and continued inputs from CGIAR experts.  Please note that member state representatives will have first right of response in the discussion, and should make their presence known to the event organisers and facilitator.