Healthy Forests and Sustainable Livelihoods: Case Studies from the Environmental Peacebuilding Association
May 4, 2022
Environmental Peacebuilding Association, Gum Arabic Institute of Poverty Alleviation, Sarangani Energy Cooperation / Alsons Power Group, Talent Upgrade Global Concept Projects, and AHT GROUP
online and Coex, Seoul, South Korea
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The Environmental Peacebuilding Community of Practice is a global community of nearly 4,000 practitioners, academics, decision makers, students, and others interested in the intersection of the environment, conflict, and peace. Through an online platform and events, the community produces and shares knowledge of emerging trends, research, and resources for practitioners about this nexus, including specifically in relation to forests and forest management. In this virtual, 90-minute session, presenters will share case studies of environmental peacebuilding applications in the forestry sector around the world. The objectives of the session are twofold: 1) to promote discussion about the importance and potential of environmental peacebuilding tools and approaches for healthy forests and sustainable livelihoods. 2) to build awareness about relevant resources for practitioners and researchers, such as the Environmental Peacebuilding community of practice and Association. The three selected case studies to be presented are: 1. Gum acacia tree planting as an adaptive tool for climate change mitigation and community peacebuilding in the Sahel. 2. Forest conflict resolution in an Indonesian national park. 3. Community involvement in forest management and surveillance in the Amazon. The remainder of the session will be dedicated to a moderated discussion and public question-and-answer, with the goal of exchanging knowledge and identifying key lessons on the intersection of forestry, conflict and peacebuilding based on panelist and participant experience.
This is a side event to the World Forestry Congress. People can participate in person (Conference Room 308C) or virtually.
Timing: May 4, 2022 | 6:00 PM KST - 7:30 PM KST
Zoom link: Join the event at
Room ID: 850 3829 631
Passcode: 689455
Convening organizations: Environmental Peacebuilding Association (EnPAx), Gum Arabic Institute of Poverty Alleviation, Sarangani Energy Cooperation / Alsons Power Group, Talent Upgrade Global Concept Projects, and AHT GROUP
Who can attend: All
Languages: English