Human Security, Climate and Health Course

Oct 11, 2021 - Nov 5, 2021 | Geneva Centre for Security Policy
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Natural resources such as water, soil and biodiversity are under increasing stress. Human activity is the main cause of this global crisis affecting everybody, but most particularly the vulnerable groups of our societies. The Paris Agreement and the Global Agenda 2030, among other legal instruments, are a testimony to the increasing awareness of governments and other international actors that environmental issues should be an integral part of addressing larger global challenges. However, with the current COVID-19 health crisis there is a risk of a weakened focus on the environment and security nexus. This is why decision makers need an understanding of the environment-security nexus including the health-environment link in order to keep it high on the agenda. They increasingly need tools to come up with and implement new solutions, and use different aspects of environmental cooperation as an instrument for peace and security.

Connect with world experts in the field to discuss the environment and security nexus.

Virtual sessions (four days online) and additional expert-guided independent work and exchange.

Learning objectives

  • Deeper understanding of environment and security nexus in the current security context.
  • Improved skills in addressing the environment and security nexus.
  • Increased network of experts and fellow professionals.


  1. Introductions & guided self-reflection 11th- 15th October
  2. Enhancing knowledge and skills 18th-21st October
  3. Achieve impact 22nd October- 5th November


750 CHF

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