Advancing the Role of Women in International Security

Jun 8, 2021 | United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
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The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) is pleased to invite you to participate in a by-invitation roundtable of the institute’s new research initiative: Advancing the role of women in international security - Views from the Middle East.

Launched by UNIDIR’s Gender and Disarmament Programme and the Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone Project, this initiative aims at expanding capacity in the Middle East in general, and in Arabic speaking countries in particular, to raise awareness of the importance of promoting the role of women in the fields of security, foreign policy, and disarmament, especially in senior and decision-making roles.

This closed roundtable will be attended by a select number of senior current and former women government officials, military personnel, and diplomats from the Arab world. The main objectives of the discussion are to identify concrete steps and tailor localized recommendations that address the needs of women currently holding roles in the field of foreign and security policy and disarmament; those aspiring to such role; as well as raise interest among women in the Arab world in careers in this field. UNIDIR team will guide the discussion and ask participants to share their experiences, obstacles they face(d), as well as to impart lessons learned from their own careers, highlighting the importance of having women serve in these roles and ideas on how to increase their numbers.

The roundtable will feed into a written report that will be available in English and Arabic and will inform the planning and agenda for a larger public event later this year.

This is a by invitation only event. The event will be held virtually, in English, and under the Chatham House Rule.

For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Anne-Laure Souissi-Sans, Project Coordinator (

Who: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research

Where: Online 

When: 08 June 2021    Time: 09:00 AM EST