Cambodia: National Programme Officer, Climate Action and Disaster Risk Reduction

UN Women
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The UN Women Cambodia Office focuses on three key priorities to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE). The first priority is to strengthen government capacities and accountabilities to integrate international norms and commitments (CEDAW, SDGs, Beijing PfA, WPS, Sendai Framework) into national legislative and regulatory frameworks, including supporting dialogue and CSO engagement in accountability for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) commitments.  The second area of focus is Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW) where CO’s focus includes creating an enabling environment to prevent, respond to and prosecute all forms of VAW as well as ensuring that women who experience intersecting forms of discrimination and violence, including women migrant workers, access services and protections etc.  Thirdly, we work to enhance gender responsiveness in climate change action, Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Reduction (HA/DRR).  A focus on empowerment, women’s leadership, challenging negative gender norms and leaving no one behind runs through the CO’s programme.