Myanmar: Food Security and Livelihood Coordinator
Mar 7, 2022
United Nations Development Programme
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Action Contre la Faim ensures provision of comprehensive and inclusive programming aimed at sustainable results and impact. The holistic approach ACF employs includes multisectoral interventions comprised of nutrition, health, WASH, MHPSS and FSL programming wherever possible. ACF intends to expand its FSL interventions both in scope and geographically to maximize the impact of ACF’s efforts in fighting hunger and undernutrition. Currently ACF operates in Rakhine and Kayah states and explores possibilities to extend its interventions in Sagaing state. Majority of ACF projects are implemented directly by ACF, with a few implemented in partnership with national NGO. The FSL HOD hence will be leading the process of defining and expanding FSL interventions in Myanmar, ensuring better synergies and greater impact of ACF’s response interventions.
ACF has been working in Myanmar for almost three decades, is a well recognised and reputable INGO. It has a big, diverse, dynamic and professional team of both national and expatriate staff. The responses ACF provide are holistic, ensuring synergies between different sectoral interventions. The position of Food Security and Livelihoods Head of Coordinator in Myanmar not only provides opportunities to support vulnerable populations in the FSL sector but ensures strong engagement with other sectors for provision of comprehensive interventions aimed at responding to multiple needs and vulnerabilities thus enhancing the resilience of the affected populations and ensuring greater impact.
You will be the functional manager of the FSL programme managers.
As Food Security and Livelihood (FSL) Coordinator, your role is to ensure the quality, relevance and technical innovation of the FSL strategy and interventions on the mission. You will also contribute to the definition of the country strategy while coordinating the identification of needs and the formulation of project proposals. You will also support the FSL Programme Managers in the implementation of these projects and represent the association in national and international bodies relating to your sector.
Your field of intervention will cover the following themes in particular:
- Food assistance (provision of in-kind and cash-based transfers, vouchers for food, cash for work, etc.)
- Agriculture activities (promote agroeology practices, extension services, farmer field schools, demonstration plots, staple and cash crops production, community and home gardening, low inputs and nutrition sensitive, conservation agriculture, inputs distribution, fish ponds, livestock breeding, irrigation schemes, cereal banks, etc.);
- Income generating activities; cash based interventions; nutrition sensitive food security interventions – on farm and off farm; food security surveillance’
- Disaster Risk Reduction/
- Food Security, Livelihood and Environmental Assessment Crosscutting areas: protection and gender mainstreaming, partnerships, consortia, cooperation with local NGOs and local authorities
Your Profile
- You hold a master’s degree in food security, agricultural education and extension, agricultural, applied Economics, agrobusiness management, food policy and applied food science, veterinary sciences, or related courses.
You have an experience of minimum 5 years in a similar position (FSL HoD/ Technical Advisor/Technical coordinator), working with NGOs or UN agencies. - You are familiar with SAME interventions, coordination mechanisms and the main donors within international NGOs.
You are familiar with technical and general needs assessment tools.
You have an excellent capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Excellent written and verbal English communication skills.
Conditions of Employment
- 7 months fixed term contract under French or Burmese law.
- Remuneration package and competitive benefits.
ACF is committed to people with disabilities and actively fights against all forms of discrimination.