Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda) Reparations
Publisher: International Court of Justice
Date: 2022
Topics: Dispute Resolution/Mediation, Extractive Resources, Governance, Renewable Resources
Countries: Congo (DRC), Uganda
Noting that it falls to the Court to determine the nature and amount of reparations to be awarded to the DRC for injury caused by Uganda’s violations of its international obligations, pursuant to the findings it set out in the 2005 Judgment, the Court begins by recalling certain facts and conclusions that led it to hold Uganda internationally responsible in that Judgment, noting that it will recall the context and other relevant facts of the case in more detail when setting out general considerations with respect to the question of reparations (Part II, Section A) and when addressing the DRC’s claims for various forms of damage (Parts III and IV).