The Relationship between Climate Change and Internal Migration in the Americas
Publisher: Management of Environmental Quality
Author(s): Jorge Alejandro Silva Rodríguez de San Miguel, Esteban Martínez Díaz, and Dulce María Monroy Becerril
Date: 2021
Topics: Climate Change, Conflict Causes, Gender, Livelihoods, Renewable Resources
The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between climate change and internal migration in the Americas. A systematic literature review type of research synthesize the state of knowledge; it was searched through the Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, among other databases, for articles that focused on climate migration, gender, water stress and models for predicting movement. Decreased water availability and increased prevalence to water-related disasters causes internal migration. Also, male out migration is quite prevalent in South American nations with women being left to take care of the families.