Land and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
Publisher: Routledge
Author(s): Jon Unruh, Rhodri C. Williams
Date: 2013
Claims to land and territory are often a cause of conflict, and land issues present some of the most contentious problems for post-conflict peacebuilding. Among the land-related problems that emerge during and after conflict are the exploitation of land-based resources in the absence of authority, the disintegration of property rights and institutions, the territorial effect of battlefield gains and losses, and population displacement. In the wake of violent conflict, reconstitution of a viable land-rights system is crucial: an effective post-conflict land policy can foster economic recovery, help restore the rule of law, and strengthen political stability. But the reestablishment of land ownership, land use, and access rights for individuals and communities is often complicated and problematic, and poor land policies can lead to renewed tensions.
In twenty-one chapters by twenty-five authors, this book considers experiences with, and approaches to, post-conflict land issues in seventeen countries and in varied social and geographic settings. Highlighting key concepts that are important for understanding how to address land rights in the wake of armed conflict, the book provides a theoretical and practical framework for policy makers, researchers, practitioners, and students.
Available Downloads
Land: A Foundation for Peacebuilding
Part 1: Land Tenure and Peace Negotiations in Mindanao, Philippines
Part 2: The Role of Restitution in Post-Conflict Situations
Part 2: Land Issues in Post-Conflict Return & Recovery
Part 2: Angola: Land Resources and Conflict
Part 3: Snow Leopards and Cadastres: Rare Sightings in Post-Conflict Afghanistan
Part 3: Community Documentation of Land Tenure and its Contribution to State-Building in Afghanistan
Part 3: Title Wave: Land Tenure and Peacebuilding in Aceh
Part 3: Institutional Aspects of Resolving Land Disputes in Post-Conflict Societies
Part 3: Rebuilding Peace: Land and Water Management in the Kurdistan Region of Northern Iraq
Part 3: Transboundary Resource Management Strategies in the Pamir Mountain Region of Tajikistan
Part 4: Land Conflicts and Land Registration in Cambodia
Part 4: Legal Frameworks and Land Issues in Muslim Mindanao
Part 4: Unexplored Dimensions: Islamic Land Systems in Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iraq, and Somalia
Part 4: Customary Law and Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Post-Conflict Timor-Leste
Part 5: Lessons Learned in Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management in Post-Conflict Societies